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Winter Weather District Procedure  

Weather Procedure

Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our students and staff. On rare occasions, it is necessary to cancel qathet School District student transportation and school sites due to severe weather. With over 3400 students in our schools each day, any decision to cancel buses, programs, or to close sites can have a significant impact on families and this decision is not taken lightly.   

The Superintendent of Schools has authority to temporarily close a school(s) and/or cancel bus service. These decisions are made in consultation with management and supervisory staff who have checked first-hand on the driving conditions, walking/sidewalk conditions, and general condition of buildings and accessibility to sites. Several factors go into a school closure decision, including student and staff safety, the conditions of roads near schools, school grounds, school bus routes, and whether facilities are fully operational. 

All schools throughout Å·ÃÀÈý¼¶Æ¬ will remain open, except under extreme circumstances. Only bus cancellations, school closures or delayed school openings will be announced. Our District will do its best to communicate school or district-wide closures on our website and social media by 7:00 am. 


Details and official announcements/updates are always distributed via the below channels: 

  • District/School Websites (www.sd47.bc.ca); 

  • Facebook (Å·ÃÀÈý¼¶Æ¬) & Instagram (@qathetschooldistrict) 

  • Principals will send out a direct email to families


REMINDER: If there is winter weather and schools remain open, it is the parent/guardians' decision as to whether their children attend school, based on their assessment of the relative safety of travel conditions within their neighbourhood.  


To read our Administrative Procedure 132 re. Emergency School Closures  

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